How To Build Pay Strategies That Help Retain Talent

Saman Effendi, Managing Director, HRSG Consulting Pvt Limited.

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations constantly emphasize the importance of using resources to achieve business targets in the most efficient way. Identifying and retaining high performers is a critical part of this equation because these employees significantly contribute to success and profitability. By offering competitive compensation packages and clearly linking performance with rewards, organizations can foster an environment where employees understand their targets and feel recognized for their achievements.

Paying For Performance

This style of compensation management is targeted to drive employee behavior in a way that’s aligned with your organization’s overall strategy and consistent with its policies and culture. Once you’ve identified the high performers or superstars in your organization—the ones who help achieve results consistently and make notable impacts on profitability—you work on strategies to retain them.

Your compensation packages, including bonuses and benefits, should be competitive and reflect the value of top talent. It’s vital, then, that you clearly define the link between performance and rewards so employees know what they’re expected to achieve and when they’ll be recognized and rewarded appropriately after reaching their goals. This can help ensure they’re motivated to achieve impressive results, rather than plateauing or becoming disengaged with their work.

With performance-based compensation strategies, keeping track of progress is key. People leaders should conduct regular performance reviews to discuss where employees stand with their goals, provide feedback and adjust career plans as necessary.

Retaining high performers can be costly because of the performance bonuses and payouts required to keep them motivated. So making sure you’re rewarding the right outcomes—the ones that positively impact the company’s bottom line and ensure employee retention—while also devising performance management strategies is crucial. This should include aligning rewards with company goals by tying all incentives to KPIs that directly affect financial growth. Providing transparent criteria so employees understand how they’re being evaluated will then ensure a fair playing field for everyone.

Paying For Potential

One of the worst mistakes employers can make with their superstars is constantly raising the performance bar till it becomes impossible to achieve. Giving unachievable targets, even to the best of performers, demotivates employees and makes them doubt the performance management system. In some instances it even makes them lose confidence. So another compensation management strategy for retaining key talent is paying for potential or paying for talent. This is when you compensate someone above their actual performance so you can retain them over the time it takes to recoup the value and secure company success.

With career development or professional enhancement programs, you can collaborate with employees to develop personalized career plans that align their unique aspirations with the company’s goals. One option for this approach is offering leadership development programs to prepare employees for management and executive roles. You could also create a succession planning framework to identify and prepare high-potential employees for future leadership positions.

Paying for potential allows you to identify employees who might not be performing under current circumstances but have the capability to perform in the future. This strategy is essentially an investment your company is making to ensure its internal talent pool is ready to advance when/if the current batch of high performers reaches a plateau.

Ideally, using the mix of these pay strategies can help your organization meet both its current and future business targets. High-achieving talent generates financial growth while promising talent becomes more engaged in order to be rewarded in the future. The combination will often result in productivity gains, reductions in costs associated with reduced turnover and enhanced corporate financial performance. Combining these strategies will help organizations meet current and future business needs and enhance productivity and corporate performance while reducing turnover.

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